Worship Services
9:30 am & 11 am

Wednesday Morning Prayer Group and Bible Study
All are welcome to join our weekly Prayer Group and Bible Study on Wednesday morning beginning at 10am.

Live Stream Project
We are pleased to report that since implementation of phase 2 of the Live stream Project on April 9th 2023, our beloved Parishioners who have not been able to attend Church in person now have the ability to watch in real time from the comfort of their homes.
We are happy to report that we have been receiving positive feedback from our parishioners and the General Public. However, the project is not completed as yet. We still have ongoing work that needs improvement before completion, including addressing the issue of the glare on the projector screen.
In order to finish this project, we are asking for your assistance to help make this happen. We would appreciate your continued support.

Thank You, Audio Visual Team

FaithWorks Envelopes
If you would like to make a donation to the incredible work done by FaithWorks in the Diocese there are brochures and giving envelopes on the side table in the narthex of the church.

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